Bartholomew Photography

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Behind the Lens: Day in the Life of Photographers in Las Vegas, Nevada

Photographers in Las Vegas have exciting career opportunities. Depending on the subject matter they prefer to shoot, they might spend time at corporate events, in nature with wildlife, and/or capturing some of the most important moments of their clients’ lives. They even have the chance to influence the direction of someone’s career via corporate headshots and actor headshots. However, there is a lot more to the job than glitz and glamour. In this article, we’ll discuss how photographers in Las Vegas spend a typical working day - from the most exciting activities to the more mundane business tasks. 

Early Morning: Preparation

As the sun’s warm light begins to shine over the city, photographers in Las Vegas tend to rise early (at least, owner and primary photographer here Bob Bartholomew does). Like him, many photographers are business owners and have much more on their plates than taking pictures. To get an early start, they’ll take a look at the day’s appointments as they eat breakfast.

Then, they’ll prepare their equipment for the day. If today’s schedule includes studio shoots, it’s time to set up the space for clients. Some photographers will have assistants to help set up their studio, and others prefer to do it themselves. After all, correct lighting placement is absolutely essential to achieving beautiful photography and realizing both the photographer’s and the client’s vision. 

Different photoshoots require different equipment. A Las Vegas event photographer prepares the appropriate equipment to take on-location instead of preparing a studio, for example. Similarly, while some senior portrait clients prefer a studio session, many tend to have an outdoor setting picked out to memorialize their high school experience. Those appointments will also begin with selecting the right equipment and packing it up to take on the road. 

Mid to Late Morning: Photoshoot

It’s time for the main event: the photoshoot! Photographers have a unique challenge of bringing their creative strengths to the shoot while also maintaining their client’s vision. They should exude confidence and professionalism during the appointment to help set their client at ease. Some people aren’t used to being photographed and need a little bit of coaching to relax, and a confident, respectful, considerate photographer helps them to feel more comfortable. 

Even the most successful photoshoots come with their challenges. A skilled photographer will be adept at navigating hiccups in the road and thinking on their feet. Wardrobe mishaps, unexpected lighting changes (particularly in outdoor settings or large conference halls), and other challenges can arise quickly, so problem-solving is a key skill that photographers should develop and maintain. 

Early to Mid Afternoon: Post-Processing and Editing

Once the shoot has wrapped up, it’s time to refine a selection of the best images through post-processing. First, the photographer uploads the photos they’ve taken and begins to organize them into folders. Then, they meticulously comb through each image and assess a variety of elements such as the lighting, composition, and the subject’s expression. 

Once the photographer has identified the best photos to enhance, they’ll move on to editing. This involves color correction, image enhancement, and retouching as needed. 

Late Afternoon and Early Evening: Tending to the Business

When a photographer owns their own business, they’ll also need to make time for administrative tasks such as bookkeeping, responding to emails, tracking expenses, and invoicing. While this may not be the most exciting part of the day, these activities are essential to maintaining a healthy business. 

Finally, there won’t be client inquiries to respond to if the photographer doesn’t have a plan for marketing and promoting their business. Some business owners pay another party to promote them, and others manage their marketing efforts themselves. While every business is different, a photographer might spend time posting their work to social media, maintaining a blog on their website, and sending out email newsletters to attract new business. 

Various Times Throughout the Day: Client Meetings and Pre-Shoot Consultations

Meetings with potential clients could happen at any time throughout the day depending on the client’s availability. Clients often compare a few different photographers in Las Vegas before deciding to hire one, so it’s important for a photographer to understand their vision and communicate how they would execute that idea. During these consultations, photographers ask detailed questions and build rapport with people they may work with in the future.

Balancing Creativity and Business Management 

Photography is an art, and creativity is absolutely essential to be successful. However, a certain level of professionalism and right-brain business management skills are also important to run a successful company. The best photographers in Las Vegas balance both to create strong relationships with their clients and deliver striking photos to impress them time after time.